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Thank you for your interest in becoming an Indmar Dealer. Your association with a boat company that installs and uses Indmar engines makes your becoming an Indmar dealer an important step in taking care of your customers.
Please fill out the online application below to create an account with Indmar Marine Engines. There are a few simple forms that have to be filled out and returned to us so we can set you up your warranty labor rate, billing account and your contact information so we can add your dealer shipto our dealer locator in hopes of sending leads your way. Please take a few minutes to supply us with the information we require.
Note: Because of the difficulties of currency differences, exchange rates etc., we require international dealers to have a credit card (MasterCard or Visa) on file with us. We will use that credit card to charge parts orders to providing there is not a credit balance in your account. If there is a credit balance from warranty reimbursements etc., we will deduct the amount for any parts orders from that balance before charging to your credit card.
In addition to the online application below, you will need to email or fax the following 5 items below in order to complete the submission of your application.
Please email or fax the documents to: e-mail: or Fax: 901.358.4292
1) Photograph of posted retail labor rate
2) 5 copies of retail customer paid repair bills reflecting the posted rate.
3) A copy of a snapshot recording of data from the ECM of an engine taken with the Diacom diagnostic software.
4) Fuel Pressure tester purchase receipt or other proof of purchase, such as a picture.
5) Copies of the most recent Indmar Training Certificates of all Certified Technicians employed by your dealership.
If you do not have an Indmar certified Technician(s), include copies of current certificate(s) from one or more other manufacturers of Inboard or Stern-drive engines.
Thank you in advance for your time and thank you for choosing Indmar!
Team Indmar
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